Happy Birthday iLanga, Inc.
iLanga, Inc. turns 20 years old today. A little history lesson for your reading pleasure…
A blog for discussing all things AstroPlanner-related
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iLanga, Inc. turns 20 years old today. A little history lesson for your reading pleasure…
Introducing AstroAid V2. Yes, the version number has been bumped because the changes are many, and the app looks quite different. Let’s look at what’s new and changed. I will illustrate the iPad version, but the iPhone version has all the same features – just in a somewhat different interface.
I will be handing the finished app to Apple for approval in the next day, so it should be available for download in a week or so.
OK, I’m not a very regular blogger (mainly because I don’t blog about non-boring things), but I intend to try to post more in the coming days. These postings will typically be about two different, and yet connected subjects: AstroPlanner software development and iOS (iPhone/iPad) software development.
The passing of Steve Jobs yesterday had more of an effect on me than I would have expected. Although he was not (apparently) the easiest of people to work for, he was a driven perfectionist with a unique talent for exquisitely Zen-like design and marketing. While he was just the visible part of Apple (on and off) for many years, his influence was and is unmistakable.
For some reason I get the urge to write about the rise, fall, and triumph of Apple, all of which happened on my watch, in terms of my own experiences over the years.
AstroPlanner V2 has been released. Finally.
After a lot of fruitless screwing around with trying to get code running on remote servers using obsolete versions of the compiler, I have finally implemented a solution to the AstroPlanner vs. Lion problem (i.e. Mac OS X Lion only runs Intel-native apps. AstroPlanner V1 is PowerPC-only and hence doesn’t run. AstroPlanner V1 uses a proprietary database format that isn’t available to Intel Mac users, etc.).
Once again, Windows users and non-curious Mac users need not read further.
Getting AstroPlanner V2.0 to the point that it can be released still seems like an insurmountable task. What is still to be done?
Windows-only users need not read further…
Crunch time is approaching more rapidly than I had predicted. i.e. AstroPlanner V2.0 is a week or three away from release, and so is Mac OS X 10.7 (a.k.a “Lion”). For Mac users of AstroPlanner, you could have a problem or two if Lion is released before AstroPlanner V2. What are these problems?
Last week I completed a class in Mac Cocoa programming. Currently the vast majority of my programming is done in REAL Studio (recently renamed from REALbasic because of the negative “basic” connotations). The Cocoa programming course was an eye-opening experience, and totally non-trivial. In this posting I’d like to air my views and compare the two ways of programming the Mac, emphasising the differences. Next week I start on iPhone/iPad programming which promises to be just as eye-opening.
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I recently started a 9 month long class in Mac and iPhone Cocoa development. Having just completed the first homework assignment, I can comment a bit on the development process.