Software Development

The sadness of rejection

AstroAid V2.0 was rejected by Apple this morning. Sigh. The fix took about 3 minutes, and the app is now back to “waiting for review”. i.e. another 10 days of waiting. Continue on to read about the fix, or stop right here if you’re not a geek.

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AstroAid – launched

Well, it’s done. AstroAid is now available in the App Store for the princely sum of $0.99 (of which I will see about $0.69 a download).

Feel free to support the further improvement of this and other apps by downloading it. Or not.

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Waiting for review

After a day of rampant manual deforestation of the upper reaches of my skull, I have finally managed to get AstroAid uploaded to the Apple App Store, where it is now “Waiting for review”. Huzzah! Hopefully I won’t have to wait long to find out how I screwed up, and what I have to do to be loved by the reviewers. Seeing this is my first App Store app, I’m fully expecting them to be unhappy about many things. But the app is fairly straightforward and doesn’t make use of any fancy features, so mebbe I’ll get lucky.

I was trying two apps that are roughly equivalent to AstroAid, and one of them plain does not work. How that managed to get into the store is beyond me. The other one is full of typos (I can only imagine that the author is not a native English-speaker).

Fingers crossed.

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AstroAid for iPad

I previously posted about AstroAid, my first “commercial” iOS app for the iPhone. Now I have completed the iPad part of things. Conveniently, you can get a bunch more stuff on screen compared to the iPhone. Some pictures…

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I am working on a new iOS app (and my first “real” app on that platform) called AstroAid. I’m using this app to get some practice developing iOS apps, and to discover how to do many things, like creating a universal app (running on both iPhone/iPod Touch and iPad) and publishing it via the Apple App Store (many hoops to jump through). While app is relatively simple, it’s not trivial, and I believe will be of some use to amateur astronomers.

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My first iPhone app

This surely rates as the most boringly useless mobile app ever. It does nothing. But it does it well. Continue Reading »

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XCode vs. REAL Studio Mac development

Last week I completed a class in Mac Cocoa programming. Currently the vast majority of my programming is done in REAL Studio (recently renamed from REALbasic because of the negative “basic” connotations). The Cocoa programming course was an eye-opening experience, and totally non-trivial. In this posting I’d like to air my views and compare the two ways of programming the Mac, emphasising the differences. Next week I start on iPhone/iPad programming which promises to be just as eye-opening.
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Mac XCode Cocoa development

I recently started a 9 month long class in Mac and iPhone Cocoa development. Having just completed the first homework assignment, I can comment a bit on the development process.

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My first patent

After more than 5 years, my first patent has been awarded. Not anything to do with AstroPlanner, and not likely to make me any money as I have signed away rights to my then employer.

US Patent Office Search: type in 7590068.
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Some views on software development. Part 2

Having written part 1 while suffering from a severe bout of quasi-depression because I was unable to get my software compiled with the almost-final-release of the IDE I use, I was all ready to make Part 2 a meandering diatribe about software quality, etc. However, after several hours of scouring my code I finally located and fixed the problem that was causing the IDe to crash. Hence I’m somewhat mollified. The howling gale in my sails is now just a stiff breeze.
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