The Silence of the Damned

For those of you who have been bothered by my absence over the past few months, here’s the deal…

After many years trying to make even a small living out of AstroPlanner and related astronomical software, I finally gave up and now have a “real” job that pays a decent wage (completely unrelated to astronomy). Unfortunately it means I have very little time to spend on AstroPlanner development and customer support. While I have not given up altogether, it does mean the following:

  • You might have to wait for a reply to any e-mails you send to support, or me personally.
  • The final release of V2.2 is on hold until I can find time to attack some of the nastier bugs still remaining. Everything is ready, apart from a couple of bug fixes.
  • The future of V3 and beyond is unknown at this time.