
The catalogue file format has not changed for V2.0. There will probably be changes in the future, but for now you can happily use your existing catalogues. The only change you’ll see is a rewiring of the Catalogue Manager window, which now includes the stuff from the V1.x Preferences window.


You’ll note that the confusing two-list format has been done away with. There’s a single list with a Status column (Installed, Not Installed, Remove or Revised) together with an action column with a checkbox. If you want to revise, remove or install a catalogue, just check the box.

The other tabs contain the previously-found-in-Prefs stuff. Coverage and Settings has a list of installed catalogues, and a nice equal-area (Aitoff) projection of the objects in the sky.


The other two tabs contain the Types and IDs matrix (below), and the rest of the Preferences (not shown, since they are boring).
